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tv   The Five  FOX News  August 29, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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we have a special tomorrow at 10:00. do tune in and watch it. however, if there is breaking news, something happening in syria, we will be here. we will be live. good night from washington. go to greta see you soon. sad. goodboy bye, gus. >> this is a fox news this is a fox news alert. welcome to indecision 2013. >> we have looked at all the evidence and we do not believe the opposition possessed nuclear winds or chemical weapons of that sort.
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we have concluded that the syrian government, in fact, carried these out. so what i've said is that we have not yet made a decision. >> so has america lost influence on the world stage? due to president obama's flip-flopping? this president seems naïve and clearly is learning on the job. what would president reagan do or president bush? while i don't agree that we should be going into syria, this president is changes his position more often than miley cyrus on the vmas. we need more proof before we kill more people. what say you? >> i say the evidence is pretty clear. that may be one of the most biased openings you've ever done. he has consulted with congress. he has to get the british on board. the french are going to do it unilaterally with us. they're not going to try to take it to their elected officials. and i think we have every right to do it.
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the war powers act says he can do it. they've crossed the red line. >> the war powers act says he has to go to congress. >> absolutely no. >> or if the country poses an imminent threat. >> reagan didn't get it for grenada. what would reagan do? he put marines in there and several of them died. >> should we worry what, about russia and iran pushing back so hard? >> 100%. i'll tell you what reagan wouldn't do. he wouldn't sit down with joody woodruff and do an interview. he wouldn't have anonymous sources leak a three day missile
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strike. the president's not committed to a long term war. he tells assad to accept down nice and he doesn't do it. shocker. then he draws this red line. and in order to save face he -- >> how do you know? >> the leaks specifically say it's not designed to affect the civil war. >> 60 military targets. a shot across the bow. >> all i'm going to say is this, this situation makes iraq look like small potatoes. there's three very different schools of thought on this one. arming the rebels, bombing the airfields and the intell palace or doing nothing? i think getting involved a huge mistake on this one. >> a lot of people are saying what about the rebels? who are the rebels? are they on our side or against us? >> yeah, the question is do we have a dog in this fight?
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we don't, becauate it. >> ooh. >> it's like two thugs fighting in a bar. the bar is the middle east. the only thing you do is you go home and you frack. you frack the hell out of your country. the bert off we are the less we have to worry about this stuff. we shouldn't be wasting lives on other people's wars. they're like ugly divorces. >> what do you want to do about israel? >> i don't know. can i finish this, though? i don't know. and i'm amazed at the expertise that's out there within a week of -- how many people know the answer? there is no answer. there are only bad guys. there are bad guys on every side. there's nobody you can back. and you know what? maybe you just leave. >> katie, some say if we do go and we pick the wrong side and we don't have our facts straight and we kill people who are
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innocent that would create more problems for america. and others say muslim extremists killing muslim extremists isn't necessarily a bad them for america. >> we don't need to excuse more problems for ourselves. we don't have an exit here. what do we do if we go in and bomb the airfields or chemical weapons sites? if we are going to go and do something we have to do it quickly and with force. we've seen reports that obama kind of wants to streak and not get mocked for what he's doing, just to show enough muscle so it's not embarrassing to hem and his red lean but shows that we do something with really no end game for the united states. >> you said quick, why do we have to do it quickly? >> no, i said if he's actually going to make a strike, if he makes the decision, which we need to point out he hasn't made the decision. he hasn't made the decision to go in. if he goes in, we need to get in and get it done. the reason the afghan war lasted
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so long is we're in there not getting the job done. you either do it or you don't. and on the side of backing off and waiting, there's 116 congress men who have sent a letter to president obama asking him to wait. he hasn't been there a week. he hasn't been there for the past year. and this is something they're saying you need to slow down because there are implications about what we're going to do here. >> these islamists are killing each other so what dip does it make? these are women and children. >> muslim extremists and muslim extremists. >> by the way, iraq. we lost 10,000 people in iraq and spent a trillion dollars. >> we're hearing through reports out of israel that it's the syrian government. we don't know that for sure. listen to axelrod describing the difference between syria and
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iraq. >> this is no different than iraq, because there's visual evidence that everyone has seen, there's a broad consensus here. and i don't think you're facing the same kind of skepticism that there was for iraq where the weapons of mass destruction were used as a justification for an attack. there, clearly something happened here, something dramatic, and the president feels he has to act. >> skepticism? what skepticism? we had our allies with us. we had the u.n. with us. we had had their former secretary of state hillary clinton who voted for iraq. the proof was there. we're not going to debate iraq on this. if we get involved in this, it will be iraq on stare oids. it will be a proxy war. did anybody see what happened in the british parliament? cameron pecks up the white house and says sorry, you have to go at it alone if you want to. i hate to say it, but president obama is a huge narcissist and
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this is all about him. this is all about his red line. and it's a pr stunt. it is just a very small prick, this missile thing, to make him look good. >> you're saying the evidence was there for iraq. -- >> democrats voted for that war. >> you said we had the evidence in. the evidence was not in. that was wrong. >> there were mass grave sites. >> there were no weapons of mass destruction. >> great intelligence operation. >> the point they're trying to make, bob, is there was consensus on wmds. turned out it could have been wrong. don't need to scream and yell about it. can i steal a sports metaphor?
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do these penalties like in a normal football game make the game longer? it always does. so when we get involved do we extend or shorten the conflict. the red lean to me is a mystery, because you're talking about a short-term atrocity. rwanda, it wasn't gas. it was machetes. why wasn't there a red line for a machete? what difference does it make how people die as long as thousands as thousands are dying. >> they should have -- >> can we do this? we're going to have a little fun. bob says let's go. i clearly say let' not go, maybe never go. can we go around the table. angie, do we go? or do we not go? >> i don't think that we go. and i think the lesson out here to countries is don't even bother with wmds. get a nuclear weapon, because if you have a nuclear weapon, the united states of america won't mess with you. that is the lesson so far with
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syria. >> right now i don't have an interest in who winds. so means don't. >> i say no go. we have no clear outline of what the u.s. interest is here. we don't have a clear plan. what is the next step. which means we don't know if we'll be here for a while or short term. >> what do you think, the goal is clearly to take out the delivery systems of chemical weapons against civilians. one, two -- >> people will die. you send 200 hellfire missiles. >> into the military bases, sure. >> you're going to kill people. >> sure. >> you don't want to kill syrian soldiers? >> can i make a defense to this? in a way that you'll understand? the reason why you don't go in is because of the people that you're helping. true, you're taking out the chemical weapons plants would be a good thing. but in the process of hurting assad, you are helping al qaeda. and i don't like the idea of working side by side with people who flew planes into our bidd g
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buildings. >> let's call it reporting. there is substantial reporting that al qaeda is at least partially ingrained in the rebels. if you take out the military, the rebels come in. chemical we. >> which one is that? >> they'll take over, the way the muslim brotherhood took over egypt, al qaeda could take over syria. >> they did very well in benghazi, libya. >> did something happen in libya that i missed? >> benghazi. >> remember that whole benghazi thing? and al sharia, according to reports, they're training some of the rebel militia groups in syria. >> we're not taking sides in syria. what we're doing is getting rid of the delivery systems. and it's the humanitarian thing to do. we didn't do it in rwanda. we should have. the unit has the capability to stop this mass slaughter. we should do it.
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>> why didn't we do it sooner, if it was so important to you, bob, and the president. >> bob makes a good point. >> thank you very much. >> what was it in. >> i mean, the fact is, if you can do something successfully and surgically, it's a good thing. but you have to be careful that you do not aid evil people, and that's al qaeda. >> and you don't set a precedent, every time there's a conflict in a country -- we're going to talk about north korea in a minute. >> my point about short term versus long term atrocity. north korea has killed way more people over a longer period of time. >> directly ahead, the three suspects from the brutal beating in florida. and the hunt for dana perino. she's going to join us live from africa with a truly amazing story. stick around. .>> technology
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[ music playing ] >> well, brand-new details on a
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brutal school bus beating in florida. the judge sentenced the teens to indefinite probation with multiple conditions including community service, random drug tests and electronic monitoring with ankle bracelets. the boys must attend anger management classes and were told to stay away from the victim. the victim has transferred schools. she so traumatized he can't get on the bus. this is a sad story. actually the mom of one of the boys who assaulted him brock down because she hadn't seen the video before. you got a teenage son, is this appropriate punishment? >> remember this happened, a couple weeks later, the shooting in oklahoma happened with the underaged 18-year-old. then the beating of shorty in washington, walk, right, under 18. those guys are charged as adults. these kids should have been charged as aduchlt they got probation and community service for beating a kid almost to the
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edge of life? i mean, that's assenine, they should at least be spending some time in jail. come on, give me a break. he could have died. >> bob, you got a son as well. >> i find, a, i would try them as adults. they're probably too far away from the age only just 14. but the idea that they're getting -- now they say unlimited parole. i don't buy that. what you need to do is put them in jail. anger management? do you think that's going to help that? these guys will walk out of there and become mother theresas? i doubt it. >> katie, what message does this say to other kids out there? this seems loo ache light punishment. >> we talked about this on show before, other instances of young men like this getting in trouble with the law. a lot are previous criminal records. >> these light sentences, not spending life in jail, creates the idea they don't care very much. they know the costs will be great.
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in this particular case it will serve bicker problems, we have this culture in our schools now, there is a bad thing to tell adults when something is wrong. i think that we have to encourage people to stand up for the guy who is getting beating on the bus and to condemn the behavior of the guys beating him. unless that changes, we won't see anything else change. >> what do you think, greg? >> you know what gets me angry? anger management, it lets others off the hook. you no what this is? this is a consequence of a generation of mockery of traditional structural values. what gave us this beating is also what gave us miley cyrus, which is a society that happily forfeits the structure of well-being and survival. once adults stop acting like adults, how can you expect kids to stop acting like kids, normal kids? >> can i play the grandma? this is compelling sound. this is the victim's grandma who is driving her grandson to school and from school every day because he's too scared to get
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on a bus. >> to hear him saying, "stop! stop skwm" it breaks my heartment i would have been in the middle of it. no matter what policy said. that's my killed. i can't stand by and watch somebody get hurt. those children, for lack of a better term, have to realize that they can be up on murder charges right now. they could have killed him. >> very quickly. i know we got to move on. here's what you do, when you gulf these kids anger management and probation, they know if they're under 18, they can pull this stuff and get away with it. they will get a get out of jail card at 18, that's a bad idea. you have to send a message to kids under 18, they can't get away with this stuff. >> they should have mandated that that video be shown in school. here's the punishment if you do the same exact thing. moving on, a montana judge is
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now defending himself against a decision to sentence a teacher for just 30 days in jail for raping a 14-year-old who later committed suicide. now, the judge's defense was the girl was an old 14 and that she was more sexual for her age. here is the judge trying to explain his assenine behavior. >> ladies and gentlemen, in the rambo sentencing, i made references to the victim's age and control and i'm not sure what i was attempting to say at that point. but it didn't come out correct. what i said was the meetings all women, not what i believe in. and irrelevant to the sentence, i owe all our citizens an apology. >> was it irrelevant to the sentencing, though, greg? because he sentenced the 49-year-old teacher at the time. she was only 14, now he's 54. to 15 years in prison and then
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said, no, never mind, 30 days. >> yeah, i don't understand any part of this case whatsoever. i have, i mean, it's just, everything is absurd. so i almost have no opinion other than it's absolutely absurd. i don't get the sentence. specific, there is a piece missing here. i don't get it. he blamed the victim. it's time for judge todd to maybe step down. >> it's not a question of stepping down. he'll be down and out. this isn't an elected judge. they're all out to stand for elections. i guarantee you, you wouldn't put a dime on this guy's chance to get re-elected. >> a 14-year-old girl, they do characterize that as rain. 15 years down to 30 days. it's a disgrace. >> they gave him a credit for the time he had already spent in jail t. things that drives me crazy about these cases with young women, they turn into the victim when they're not adults. especially when they're under the age of 18, they make us feel sorry for these.
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they talk about how he lost his career and he's carrying around the scarlet letter and his marriage is ruined, therefore, 30 days will be fine. these guys deserve more than that. it's disgusting they keep upholding this. especially in the legal system when the judge is condemning it. >> this is what i don't understand, what was his explaination for 30 days? >> he was treatable. it was a low risk case in terms of being a re-offender. >> he did. he was supposed to cut a plea deal, where he wasn't supposed to go near young kids, he ended up back in jail. now the judge is letting him off again. what a sick, sick, sick man. all right. ahead on the five, a new twist in miley cyrus' classy performance. what did her dad think about it? his answer will probably surprise you and perhaps thanks to miley, a new word has been added to the dictionary. >> the word twerking has now been added to the oxford
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dictionary. twerking. frank will explain it all when we come back. . twerk.
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♪ >>. >> the miley cyrus story isn't over just yet. yesterday, she tweeted her dad's thoughts on exercise in modesty. miley, in twerking would have been invested and i had a bum finger i would have done the same thing you did, dad, nice to see him supporting her. good to see he's behind her in a wholesome way. the story isn't the tweet, what happened after it was retweeted 51,000 times, that's the population of a college town,
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essentially anything that comes out of miley's brain comes out through mass culture. stupidity is not contagious. we sure love to pass it around. a worry we can become dummerston. i can stop worrying. i should stop whining. they write that the other brainy bombshell katy perry has 6 million for followers than our president. on the same day as the mtv music taty perry retweeted an endorsement of obamacare to more than 41 million people. that's more than poland, canada, bob's bedroom, katy's tweet was predictable as miley's forced sexuality. it might be time for conservatives to rethink their relationship with that world, true idiots run the asylum. it might not be bad to make some of them ours. >>. it didn't break bob.
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so i think it might be a good idea to get an expert to explain it through the voice of morgan freeman. >> the word twerking has now been added to the oxford dictionary. here's the definition they gave. to dance to popular music in a sexually provocative manner involving thrusting hip move him and the low squatting dance. >> twerking. you know, twerking. >> that's the first time i ever heard of it. >> what? that's not true. you said it on the golf course yesterday. >> i did? >> was i soib sober? >> andrea, a lot of outrageous news coming from this story. the maker of the phone is deeply upset over the version of his iconic creation by the young woman and don't you agree what she's done? she should be impeached.
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>> in his words, a cultural phone icon, the phone finger. on miley's dad defending her, i always think it's weird when dads back up the sex waemt of their daughters, like sydney weather, anthony weiner's paramour. her dad was in the studio, i think that's creepy. it's very odd to me. it says something about society. why is it that we can't let any of the former disney stars have one shred of innocence left? britty, christina, miley. we have to destroy them, watch them become unglued on stage. we toss them away when they're like fat and unpopular. what's wrong with us? >> the original musketeers, annette would be my favorite. they turned out a all right. now i'm going to say twerking is what i think. it's provocative, well, what is different from provocatively dancing sexually than the other dance you got, two, what did she
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do with that finger? >> i can't talk about it. >> you have to watch it, bob, then you will understand. >> i did watch it. i picked up the fact that she had a finger. oh, i see, glad you laugh now. forget about it. all right. sorry. >> can i be more brilliant? >> i don't know. parental support is a good thing. you know like what your mom would say, if your best friend jumped off a bridge, would you? in this case, he'd say, yes, she did a stupid thing. >> he's supposed to be the adult in the conversation. she not only made a fool of herself in front of everyone, now people are telling her fiancee maybe he should leave her to save his own career. have you people like justin timberlake saying, she's just growing up. let her express herself. you can grow up without overly exmining yourself to the public
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to prove a point. cease very talented. >> she is. >> she didn't show it. >> she used to be mortal wanted than her twerking days. i'm on teen kelly clarkson, it was a bunch of pitchy strippers at the vmas. i'm glad other celebrities were condemning this type of behavior. >> you were so outraged by the video, you watched it 30 or 40 times. >> two things. number one, there is a pos tf outcome from this twerking. more raonic tv hosts trying to twerk. that's great t. other one is, you noticed the other word entered into the oxford dictionary? >> wait. >> oh. >> think about this. why would he do this? this is a ghie takes liberty with the achy breaky heart. that was one of the worst songs ever put in music.
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>> i don't think we should take note of anyone sw a mullet. i have to say, i have twerked before. i understand, bob. you are such a dirty old man. the morgan freeman said this was the definition of it. you are owning up to it. >> bob, a mull set a haircut with a business in the front, parted in the back, kind of like miley. >> up next, talk about a bitter ex, from north korea about the dictator kim john un. what he did to his exgirlfriend. it wasn't pretty. details next on the five. don't go away. . zblmpls
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>> right. now for a disturbing report from north korea, dictator kim jong un reportedly had a girlfriend executed by firing squad. she was condemned for allegedly making a sex tape. the good friend dennis rodman who conveniently visited the country isn't buying the story. he came to his defense in an interview with huffington post live today. >> did he order anything like that? because i would give anything, every time we see him on tv, he's never talking. they control them. i got to say, he's just a friend of mean. we talk. i don't worry about what he does. >> i don't think we should be getting our advice about how to handle this situation from dan fess rodman. he was just over there. he is backing this up on a fascial level. but this story is very weird
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considering they're saying some of the people who are executed actually had bibles in their possession. the weirdest part of this story is that the wife of king jong un was in a band with his ex-girlfriend who was executed in this case. what do you think about that when it comes to human rights and talking about, do we get involved or not? they're talking about him being as bath bad as nazi germany? is that not true? dennis rodman is acting like it's a joke from this ex-nba player. >> every theme has a murdering backer. basically, musicians were executed, these are artists. you have to ask, where is the matt damon of the world? celebrities talk about the u.s. being a totalitarian big brother state. north korea remind us that this is how it's done. like it or not, we are still exceptional. there are evil people in this world. a giant alien from planet greg
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came down and looked at earth, it would go what is this? it would pick up north korea and go, wow! >> a couple places. >> so, bob, given the atrocity here, are you suggesting because there is such a human rights violations going on in north korea, after obama is done bombing syria, maybe he takes the ships, the war shps, heads over to the korean peninsula? >> if i could make a couple comments, first of all, there is a lot of better ways to get rid of your girlfriend, you can move or change your phone number, which is what i have done. the last segment andy and katie admitted any woman that didn't twerk is a liar. the answer is of course not. this is not anything that's new in north korea. if we're going to go in and start a war with north korea, who have significant military power. >> how much military power, how defenseless they are? >> good.
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i think the thing is, you are saying it's been going over a long time. why did time get a pass? >> why does time get a pass? isn't this something considering president obama talks about the reset button with everyone. do you think he should re-visit north korea? we have been flexing our muscles a couple months ago. >> dennis rodman made more progress than president obama has, he won the nobel piece prize t. world is really upi'd down. it's hard to comment on the story as if we know. it's north korea. we don't know anything. besides, he's an evil dictator. i do think there is something about his wife and the fact that his wife new this woman and she later became his mistress the bible, korea an eighth yis state. we don't have power the only leverage is to push china. we owe china money. hillary clinton didn't chastise them, we're a weakened united states. there is not much we can do.
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>> t idea of going off to korea and having china involved that, is a big dole. >> yeah, i think that's among the celebrities here in america are involved. we got to go. next on the side, dana joins us all the way live from the congo. she is giving us an update on her amazing hope and healing in africa. that's after the break. don't go away. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yep, everybody knows that. well, did you know some owls aren't that wise? don't forget i'm having brunch with meghan tomorrow. who? meghan, my coworker. who? seriously? you've met her like three times. who? (sighs) geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know.
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. >> welcome back now. join us from the congo our good friend dana, the world's largest charity hospital ship. dana, how has it been? okay. it looks like she'll get it. >> all right. you got to love it. >> dana, can you hear me? >> hi. >> go ahead. tell us about your trip. >> i there tell you about my trip. i miss you all terribly. it was a long trip to get here
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to the congo, but it's been an amazing few days on the mercy ship. one thing i want to say so everything clears. this is not a deposit organization. everybody here is a volunteer, everyone, including all of the crew, engineers, nurse, doctors, receptionists. even the hair dresser is on board if you want to get your hair done here. and yesterday at the screening day, they saw 7,000 people come through the line. they gave 4,200 people see a doctor. they will be here the next ten months getting much-needed relief and hope and healing for so many people here. it's the thing that everyone around the world can be very proud. 48% of the volunteers here come from the united states. >> okay. there are delay folks on the audience, she is on skype. we will ask the first question from greg, of course. >> dana, i'm a little confused
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that backdrop behind you, i saw this morning in the green room, green room a in the fox building. this whole thing. i know you wanted to go and do the trip. you didn't want to leave jasper. this is staged in o'reilly studio down the hall. why don't we stop with this bologna and get back over here? >> as soon as i sat down and saw this, i said, i know that greg is going to say something like i look like julie mccoy from the love boat and i'm selling time tickers for fantasy island. >> the bartender. okay. moving right along. andrea has a question here. andrea. >> dana, what has been your most memorable moment so far? i have been following your tweets as so many of your twitter followers and fans have. and they have been awesome. you have been sharing some great pictures. what has been your favorite moment so far? >> well, it's good to hear your voice, i'm glad you are back.
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i look forward to seeing you when i return. i don't know i have a favorite moment. several things stick out to me. one is how patient the people here are. there are many people here in the congo many people here never had access to a doctor or if they did there was no hope for them because the ailments were so difficult. i would say two things, the nurses that go through the screenings, there are some people that cannot help. the way they tell a mother that it is not their fault that their child has a problem but that they are good mamas. that meant a lot to those women to hear that from someone in authority with a uniform on. and also the collaboration of the doctors really amazing. unlike in some places where one might work, no one is mean here. >> dana, i need to interrupt you here because we are short of
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time. >> i want to let you know all of your viewer fans and twitter fans really miss you and respect at you are doing. give us a quick sense of the personal fulfillment. you must be getting something out of this, too, right? >> i think so. i think it is good to get out of your own surroundings and remind yourself that you are not that big a deal. and that there is just a lot of good people here. no one here is talking about mil miley cyrus. >> what about jasper? >> they love jasper. >> it is not even a real dog. >> we all love jasper, too. >> you are going to be here. how can people who are interested in helping mercy ship help? it is all volunteer work and donations. how can people help so the mercy ship can keep going and help
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patients in africa? >> thank you. you can give of your time. you don't have to be a doctor or a nurse. there are a lot of different jobs you can do on the ship. there are resources, donations that help. and the third one is prayer. this is a christian oriented organization. one thing they give to people is prayer. you can see that it makes a difference in people's lives. >> we miss you, kid. i want to see more pictures and video. you can follow her on twitter and check out our web page on one more thing is up next.
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the house of commons we heard voted against the military strike. the british house of commons, thank you, bob. we'll keep you informed. in the meantime free market capitalism under attack. watch
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watch. what that is 50 cities participating in striking, fast food workers striking, mcdonald's, subway, taco bell. the issues, they want $15 an hour up from $7.25 the minimum wage. prices will go up if they get their way. >> this is an amazing, amazing story of love. this photo is of marine jesse cotyl with his wife who he met in rehab. he stabbed on ied and had to get both legs amputated. >> i just hope it can kind of represent overcoming any kind of
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adversity, big or small. and for us it just represents the kind of lady that she is. and she is amazing in every way. >> that is one strong woman, an amazing story of strength. i used it today, dog in the fight. just say do we need to do it? why does it always have to be a fighting dog? how about a hampster? >> you said obama doesn't need a dog in the fight because he ate it. >> the u.s. economy grew at a robust up from 1.7, the view of the republicans and it was led by consumer spending and more exports and less imports. despite if you listen to nay
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sayers we are on a roll. >> first of all, bob -- >> i didn't interrupt you. >> you said you were done. >> i have never heard the word robust precede 2.5%. dana said the mercy ship is where no one is mean, unfortunately, the five is not that place. the new words added to the dictionary. buzz worthy, likely to arouse the interest and attention of the public. food baby, a protruding stomach caused by eating a large quantity of food. and me yesterday, which is why i am doing this is called revenge. >> it will come back to get you,
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baby. >> we will have to leave it there. thanks for watching "the five." "special report" is coming up next. he will get on that breaking news out of the house of commons. welcome to "red eye." it is like "back to the future" if by future you mean gym because my trainer hates when i neglect my quads. that's his favorite muscle. he tells me that at breakfast. due to andy levy's sudden death, there is no pre game report. let's get to it and welcome our guests. well, she is so bright, her reflection wears sunglasses. i don't even know how that works. i am here with ann coulter. she is a political commentator, author and columnist. her latest book "mugged" just came out in paperback this week. it is about her decade long affair with hot cocoa. filling in with andy levy is


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